Social Media..

A few things about social media..

Firstly, a note to parents, social media is here to stay. We are not going to be able to get our kids to stop using it. It's no use blaming social media for them learning behaviors and so forth. We, as adults, are going to need to accept the new reality that social media is a part of our children's lives.

Secondly, I wanted to talk about social media vs real life.. A very few people know what happens behind the scenes in people's lives. All these bloggers and our friends and family members that post about one happy moment to the next DO NOT have perfect lives. 

I, myself, have been guilty of doing this. Apparently, my life looks perfect. I post pictures of parties I throw and hangouts with friends... But in reality I work 60+ hours a week, on a day to day basis I can have many issues at work, I feel lonely often, and my perfect looking house is so broken that I literally have had to fix a new thing every day. Most of the times, I don't even have enough time to cry, and have to move on to the next task at hand. 

I share all of this to remind you to not believe what you see on social media.. Those are just tiny glimpses of what is going on in someone's life, and no where close to the reality of anyone's life.

Enjoy the good aspects of social media, but don't let it feel like someone else's life is better than yours. I can assure you it's not. 


On our kids... Generation Z and A


On Irritability…