What are you investing in…

And by investing I mean time, energy, emotions, all of it...

Where is your focus? Where are you investing your time, your money, your energy and emotions?

The consumeristic society that we live in wants us to invest in one thing, the American dream wants us to invest in another thing.. But do you have a personal goal of where you'd like to invest?

Are you trying to work hard at your job so you can buy that house with the backyard and have that family?

Are you wanting to get the next designer bag or shoe?

Are you putting your emotions and efforts in to people that have your best interest in mind?

Social media, television, Hollywood, motivational speakers... There's so much noise out there that I can barely hear my own thoughts anymore.

I had to really turn off everything to figure out where I wanted to invest my time, money, energy and emotions...

I found that the most important investment to make was in myself.. my mental and physical health! Are you going to your PCP annually? Are looking at the ingredients of what you eat? Are you exercising? When was your last dentist appointment? When was the last time you just took an evening to yourself or had a healthy discussion with a friend? Have you ever talked to a therapist?

The goal does not have to be the same for everyone, but everyone should be able to make the decision of where they want to invest for themselves. Never ever neglecting your health, mental or physical, as you work on your other goals whatever they may be...

I look forward to helping you find a good balance where you can have all the goals you'd like but also take care of your mind, body and soul.


On Irritability…


Nature Therapy